AD 2016-17-04 (Kubicek related)

KubicekThe FAA has issued an Airworthiness Directive (AD) for ALL U.S. registered hot air balloons that deals with a fuel hose issue which is part of burners manufactured by Kubicek (AD number “AD 2016-17-04”

The FAA issued this AD for all balloons since it is possible to install different manufacturer’s baskets/burner systems under other manufacturer’s envelopes. While only a small number of balloon systems in the U.S. are affected by this AD, all U.S. registered balloons are required to comply with the AD.  

This only affects systems with BALÓNY KUBÍČEK spol. s r.o. Model Kubíček burners equipped with fuel hoses made of ''EGEFLEX'' material.  See the full FAA Airworthiness Directive HERE.

However, since the FAA issued the AD for all US registered balloons, the BFA is recommending that Owner/Operators without the specific equipment listed above make the appropriate logbook entry if they have complete knowledge that they do not have the affected Kubicek equipment in their balloon system. It is not actually required by the FAA, but it makes it much easier to show compliance to the FAA and any rallies that request it.

In the back of a Standard Aircraft Log, there are pages where AD compliance may be logged.  If you know with total certainty that your aircraft does not contain an affected Kubicek burner, the following entry may be made:

        AD 2016-17-04  

I have complied with the requirements of this AD by verifying that the affected Kubicek burner is not part of this aircraft.    (Sign and list your pilot certificate number and type i.e. Comm or Private…)

Thanks to Mark West and Scott Wooge for their work on this issue.